What to do at the end of my research contract?
Like early-career researchers elsewhere, Luxembourg PhDs and postdocs face stiff competition for limited faculty vacancies. They also face a time limit: Researchers can only spend five years working on temporary contracts at the university or research institutes. This context provided the backdrop for EURAXESS Luxembourg and the Agence pour le développement de l'emploi (ADEM) to jointly hold an information session on unemployment rights for early-stage researchers on 26 September 2022.
- Anyone looking for a job can register with ADEM provided that they comply with labour legislation (work permit) and is available for and willing to accept a job.
- You can check if you comply with the local legislation and are able to register online or by calling ADEM Contact Centre at +352 247-88888
- On the online platform MyGuichet.lu. Jobseekers have the option of uploading the required documents directly and providing information about themselves and the job they are seeking. Missing documents can be submitted online on the platform. Authentication (e.g. LuxTrust) is required for the online registration via the MyGuichet.lu platform.
- By phone, you can make an appointment calling ADEM Contact Centre(+352) 247 88 888 or filling in the online form (available in FR, DE, EN).
- Register on the first day after your contract ends.
Prerequisites include:
- being between 16 and 64 years of age and unemployed;
- having worked in Luxembourg for at least 6 months (16hrs/wk) and lost a job that accounts for > 16 hours/week;
- being available to accept another position (of at least 16 hours/week);
- not have terminated your employment by mutual agreement and not have resigned
Duration of the unemployment benefits
- Maximum 365 days allowance over a reference period of 24 months.
- Extra periods are granted in specific cases.
In detail
- Allowance amounts to 80% of the three last gross salaries (mean).
- If jobseeker has dependent children, the amount reaches 85%.
- Compensation ceiling max. 250% of the non-qualified SMS (social minimum salary), i.e. 5783,45€.
- After 6 months, allowance max. reduced to 200% of gross SMS.
- If applicable after 12 months allowance reduces to maximum 150% of gross SMS.
- Cross-border workers are entitled to unemployement benefits in their country of residence (if local conditions are met) not from the ADEM
- Cross-border workers can also register as a jobseeker with ADEM
- For residents of France, visit the Esch-Belval agency
- For residents of Belgium and Germany, go to Luxembourg city agency
Register on the first day after your contract ends.
- After completing their research work or their mobility, third-country nationals may stay in Luxembourg to seek employment or start a business. They must then apply for a residence permit for the purposes of job search or business creation, before the expiry of the residence permit as a researcher or the end of the mobility of the researcher in Luxembourg.
- Applications for residence permits for the purpose of a job search or a business creation must be submitted 30 days prior to the expiry of the residence permit for researchers or the end of the mobility period at the latest.
- Comprehensive information is available on stay in Luxembourg after the research activity in order to pursue a salaried or independent activityon Guichet.lu.
- Please note that only third-country nationals need this permit.
Do you qualify for unemployment benefits?
Steffi Wolak, Client advisor Senior executives/Recruiting firms, and Alex Erpelding, Coordinator of third country nationals unit, share comprehensive information on job search and unemployment rights for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers whose contracts are ending.
Some more tips to your job search
You need to adapt your CV to your job search. Read our article dedicated to transitioning to non academia
It is not necessary to add your professional title, e.g. Dr., on your CV and cover letter for non-academic jobs. Just add your PhD in the "Education" section of your CV.
ADEM mentioned key soft skills identified by a group of HR managers at the PwC Economy Day 2017:
- Ability to learn
- Curiosity
- Personal attitude
- Flexibility / Mental flexibility
- Cultural fitness
If you are a third-country national, mention your visa status at the top of your CV and in your cover.
The presentation is available to download in PDF.