On the 20th September, the EURAXESS Event – Attracting Talented Researchers to Luxembourg took place at the Maison du Savoir in Esch/Belval. The event’s aim was to raise awareness about research careers and mobility of researchers and to launch the new EURAXESS portal www.euraxess.lu, a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses across Europe to interact with each other.
Euraxess acts as a free job portal to promote and encourage research careers in the Grand-Duchy and abroad, both within research institutions and in businesses and start-ups. EURAXESS Luxembourg provides support for researchers moving to the country.
The event started with opening speeches given by Prof. Dr. Ludwig Neyses (Vice-President for Research and acting President of the University of Luxembourg), Kitty Fehringer (in charge of the Open Sience and European Research area policy in the European Commission's Directorate General for Research and Innovation) and Josiane Entringer (Advisor for the Ministry of Higher Education and Research).
It was followed by a tour de table with:
- Georges Thielen (Manager of Governmental Relations and R&D Partnerships - Goodyear SA) who hired 25% of the candidates through the EURAXESS Portal.
- Felipe Linhares (Researcher - LIST & Goodyear SA) who left Rio de Janeiro to pursue its career in Luxembourg, found its position on EURAXESS and could benefit from the help of EURAXESS Luxembourg to find accommodation and to open a bank account.
- Sabrina Deroo (Project Leader and Site Manager - COMPLIX Luxembourg S.A.) published a job position on the Portal and hired a Luxembourgish Researcher who was in Barcelona.
- Barbara Daniel (National Coordinator of the EURAXESS Luxembourg Network) recommends the portal as a recruitment tool. She advised PhD’s students to post their CV’s online and invited recruiters to get an international visibility and to post their job vacancies for free on the portal.
Tom Goeders (Head of foreigner’s service, Immigration Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Marc Reinhardt presented the new Directive 2016/801/EU, that will enable Researchers and students to move easier inside the EU during their stay. Veronica Cesco and Thierry Verkest presented the RESAVER Pan-European pension fund for researchers.
We could count on the attendance of HR experts, researchers, research facilitators, heads of doctoral schools as well as of the EURAXESS Luxembourg network (MESR, FNR, LUXINNOVATION, Uni_lu, LIH, LISER, LIST, MPI, IBBL) and we thank the various actors for the fruitful collaborations.
Read full article from the wort.lu.
For further questions, please contact: Barbara DANIEL - Tel: 466644-6681 - euraxess@uni.lu