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Living in EuropeHealth insuranceLuxembourg

Social security



  • sickness/healthcare insurance (including dependents);
  • maternity benefit;
  • pensions insurance/benefit (including retirement, invalidity and survivor);
  • family allowances;
  • unemployment insurance/benefit;
  • dependency insurance.

Researchers having a work contract

As an employee working in Luxembourg you are protected by a state-run compulsory social security insurance.

Social security contributions are automatically deducted from your salary and paid partially by your employer and yourself, providing care for:



Social security card

As an employee, you will be automatically enrolled by your employer with the National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé/CNS). Once registered with the CNS, you will receive a social security card with your name and social security number on the national front side. It contains the European sickness insurance information which enables you to receive healthcare in the countries of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, when travelling.



Researchers not having a work contract

Before leaving, please contact your hosting institution to clarify the type of insurance cover required.