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Living in EuropeDay care, schooling & family related issuesLuxembourg

Day care and schooling



You must enrol your child in a school as soon as you have arrived and registered in your commune, even if it is in the middle of the school year, as schooling is compulsory from 4 to 16 years old in Luxembourg. State schools are free for children living in the country.

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Elementary school

Children under 12 should be enrolled at the commune where you live. For children aged 6 to 12, a school report will be requested.

The second and third year (‘Spillschoul’) are taught in Luxembourgish (with an introduction to French and German). Once the child reaches primary school (‘Primärschoul’ – cycles 2-4) most classes are taught in German.

On graduating from primary school, at the age of 12, children are evaluated to see which level of secondary school best fits them.



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Secondary school

For children over 12, you must make an appointment with the CASNA (Cellule d’accueilscolaire pour élèves nouveauxarrivants, tel. (+352) 247 85277, at the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. You will need to take the following documents with you:

  • passport or ID card;
  • social security card;
  • school reports (for the last 2 years);
  • certificate of residence.




Children with special needs

Children with special needs are catered for learning support and remedial teaching. Those with severe special needs have access to specialised centres outside the mainstream schooling system.



Classes for newly arrived pupils

The Ministry also offers welcome classes for newly arrived pupils. Newly arrived pupils are tested to determine which level of secondary education best fits them. If your children are already in secondary education when you arrive, their school reports from the previous two years will be taken into consideration.





day care


Day care centres

are generally available to children under 13. In order for parents to find the right place for their children, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth portal lists all available centres in the country.

More information about day care centres