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Inequality and climate change



The EIB Institute is partnering with the University of Luxembourg, and others in organising a series of lectures under the general theme of #Inequality


The next lecture on the series will take place on 29 March at 13:00, on the topic "Inequality and #ClimateChange" and will be presented by Prof. Stephan Klasen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.


Equity issues are central to policy debates about climate change. But

what is the role of inequality between and within nations on carbon

emissions? The first part of the talk reviews recent findings on this

issue. The second part of the talk examines barriers to first-best

climate policy. Economics has offered clear and convincing first-best

solutions to the problem of climate

change, but they do not play a central role in the setting of climate

policy. Drawing on insights from the IPCC’s fifth assessment report, the

talk argues that, for political economy reasons, there is little chance

of enacting the economists’ first-best solution. The talk then

discusses what this means for global and European climate policy,

including the Paris Agreement.


Organised in collaboration with Eurostat, Statec Luxembourg, #CSLuxembourgLISER Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg (FNR), #CREA, #INSIDE, Luxembourg Income Study, #EconomistClubLuxembourg



Date & Duration
98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, 2950 Luxembourg (ville), Luxembourg