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EURAXESS Luxembourg Mentoring Programme

  • Why 2getthere?

    Pursuing an academic career will not be an option for all promising PhD candidates and postdocs working at research institutions in Luxembourg. Our country’s powerful economy is on the other side continuously seeking talent. Though Luxembourg is among the most attractive countries in the world when it comes to talents (see GTCI 2021), we think it is important to retain highly skilled workers who appreciate its living and working conditions and want to continue bringing value to our country. That’s why we launched 2getthere – a progamme designed to support early stage researchers on their way to transitioning into a non-academic career in Luxembourg.

    How to get there?

    • Regular exchanges between mentors and mentees over six months
    • Two career building workshops (compulsory)
    • Career talks by PhD holders now working outside academia in Luxembourg

      (optional series “My way – your way?” in collaboration with DSAiL, the Doctoral Students’ Association in Luxembourg

    What we want to achieve together?

    • Supporting young researchers in their reflection about career goals, competencies and professional options
    • Facilitating their transition from an academic to a non-academic career
    • Promoting the great potential of candidates with a research background for positions outside academia
    • Building a vibrant network of professionals with interest in supporting early stage researchers to advance their careers in the non-academic sector
  • 2getthere training
    In the framework of its 2getthere mentoring programme, EURAXESS Luxembourg organised a workshop dedicated to young researchers on how to achieve a successful move from academia to corporate. Christian Walter, Team Leader Recruitment at the University of Luxembourg, shared his experience on the
    Like early-career researchers elsewhere, Luxembourg PhDs and postdocs face stiff competition for limited faculty vacancies. They also face a time limit: Researchers can only spend five years working on temporary contracts at the university or research institutes. This context provided the backdrop
    Closing event
    Bringing together doctoral researchers and mentors to make their transition to the non-academic world a reality was the promise of the first edition of the EURAXESS Luxembourg 2getthere mentoring programme. On 26 September 2022, EURAXESS Luxembourg gathered mentors, mentees and supporters at an
  • Mentors


    • you are a professional working in Luxembourg (in industry, for the government, for an NGO, as CEO of your own startup, as science journalist etc.) and possibly even know from your own experience the challenges researchers might face when trying to pursue their career outside academia?

      The field you are now working in or your current job being science / technology related is not a determining factor. What makes you a fit for 2getthere is your dedication to guiding others with your experience and opening doors, by this helping them tremendously to find a job that matches their skills and ambitions – a job that will prove them right to have left the academic path.



    Let’s try with these arguments

    • By becoming a mentor, you have the chance to change more than one life: Inspiring exchanges with smart young researchers holding different views and knowledge might leave a lasting impression. Moreover, as an active member of the 2getthere community you will make enriching acquaintances among the mentors and mentees of the programme.
    • No one is born a mentor. You will get professional support to fulfill your role in line with your expectations. All mentors will have a training (in English) before starting mentoring sessions and can seek support whenever needed during the programme.


    We estimated that the time commitment is approximately 12 hours over six months.

    Can we count on you? Please reach out to us under:



    • you are a PhD candidate in the 3rd or 4th year of your doctorate, a recently graduated PhD, or a postdoc at University of Luxembourg (incl. SnT, LCSB and C2DH), LIH, LIST, LISER, MPI, LNS and are looking for a job
    • you want to broaden your knowledge about your career options beyond academia (in Luxembourg)
    • you want to feel prepared for upcoming job applications and interviews


    Does this sound like a programme for you? Let us know! We are glad to collect your interest in a next edition through


Our supporters
Our mentees