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Job offer

  • JOB
  • Portugal

2 (two) Research Fellowships for R&D Initiation (BII) for a Master Students

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14 Mar 2025

Job Information

Research Field
Biological sciences
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Bachelor Positions
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Not Applicable
Job Status
Not Applicable
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

2 (two) Research Fellowships for R&D Initiation (BII) for a Master Students


2 Research Fellowship(s) for R&D Initiation (BII) is(are) open at the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, for the project “ATLANTICDIVERSA – Use emergent technologies to understand the role of cleaning mutualisms in Atlantic biodiversity conservation, Ref. 2024/0028, financed by FLAD – Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, under the following conditions:


  1. Scientific AreaBiological Sciences
  2. Admission requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences. Diving certification (Open Water).
  3. Additional optional skills and qualificationsExperience in sampling while diving, data analysis in R, survival data analysis, assembly and maintenance of aquatic life support systems.
  4. Contracting requirements: Presentation of the academic qualifications and/or diplomas. Enrolment in   Master course. 
  5. Work plan: Underwater surveys (transects and behavioural sampling); marine animal sampling; assembly and maintenance of life support systems; behavioural trials; data analysis and processing.
  6. Legislation frameworkResearch Fellowship Holder Statute, in accordance with Law 40/2004, of 18 August, in its current version and the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships, in its current version  (Reg. 950/2019 published in DR on 16th  December:,  or at the FCT website:, and FCiências.ID Fellowship Regulation, as approved on 12th May 2020 (available at Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação Científica da FCiências.ID).
  7. Place of work: The work will be developed at the MARE – Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, in Laboratório Marítimo da Guia (Cascais) under the scientific supervision of Professor José Ricardo Paula.
  8. Fellowship duration: This position is initially opened for 3 months due to start in April 2025. The fellowship contract may be potentially renewed for 5 months. 
  9. Monthly allowance: The fellowship amounts to €651,12, according to table values of the FCiências.ID Fellowship Regulation. The fellowship holder will have a personal accident insurance and can ensure the right to social security through adherence to the voluntary social insurance scheme, if not covered by any other social protection scheme, pursuant to Código dos Regimes Contributivos do Sistema Previdencial de Segurança Social.
    The fellowship will be paid monthly by bank transfer.
  10. Evaluation and selection process: Candidates will be assessed by  a) Curriculum evaluation (75%) and b) motivation letter (25%). The panel may choose to conduct an interview with the top 3 (three) ranked candidates based on the total scores from criteria a) and b). In this case, the sum of the evaluations obtained in the assessment criteria a) and b) will correspond to 85% of the final grade, and the interview to 15%.
    Applicants whose application is scored with a final classification of less than 50 points are not eligible for granting a fellowship.
  11. Selection CommitteeJosé R. Paula (President of the Jury); Tiago Repolho (1st Member); Catherine Sheppard (2nd Member); Jade Sourisse (1st Alternate Member) and Beatriz Pereira (2nd Alternate Member).
  12. Publication/notification of results: All the candidates will be notified by e-mail, sent by the call holder, with the selection meeting minutes enclosed.
  13. Deadlines: This call for applications is open from 17/03/2025 to 28/03/2025 .
  14. Application: Applications should be sent via e-mail to, by attaching the following documents: 
    a) Curriculum vitae;
    b) Certificate of completion of previous degree Note 1, 2;
    c) Diving Certification (Open Water); 
    d) Motivation Letter.
  15. Processing of personal data: FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, as the controller under the General Data Protection Regulation, collects and processes the personal data requested in the context indicated in paragraph 14., under the legitimate interests in ensuring the award of the research fellowship to candidates with the indicated profile.
    The personal data will be kept for the period necessary for the execution of the purposes for which they are intended, being ensured the processing and protection in an appropriate and diligent way, the confidentiality and integrity of these data, through appropriate technical and organizational measures.
    Personal data may be transmitted to third parties, namely the entity funding the research project, solely for the purposes specifically established. In this sense, whenever the transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Union and/or international organizations is necessary, compliance with the applicable legal provisions is ensured.
    You have the right to request access, rectification, elimination, limitation of processing, the right to object and also data portability (if technically feasible), through the e-mail address: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission. 
    For more information, we recommend consulting the Internal Rules of Data Protection of FCiências.ID - Association for Research and Development of Sciences at
  16. Time limits for the appeal procedure: In case of negative decision, the candidates have 10 business days, after the date of announcement of the results of the candidates evaluation, to pronounce their disagreement in accordance with the Código do Procedimento Administrativo. Appeals against the final decision may be submitted to the Administration Board of FCiências.ID ( within 15 business days after the notification date.



Note 1: The documents that prove the entitlement of the academic qualifications and diplomas can be dismissed during the application period and replaced by a declaration on their honour from the applicant (Minuta PTMinute EN). Their delivery is mandatory for the fellowship contractualization.


Note 2: Please note that - higher education degrees and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions  need to be  recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution, pursuant to the Decree-Law nr. 66/2018 (August 16) and the Ministerial Order nr. 33/2019 (January 25). The presentation of the recognition certificate is mandatory for contract signature. More information can be obtained at:


Where to apply



Research Field
Biological sciences
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
MARE – Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente
Postal Code
Campus da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa


Campus da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Edifício C1, Piso 3
Postal Code

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