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Showing results 30 to 37
    • STATUS: past

    EURAXESS national training on the new immigration law

      EURAXESS organizes a training on the new immigration law which will focus on the national hiring process of PhD and postdocs, in the presence of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. This event is only open to EURAXESS Luxembourg network members: University of Luxembourg, Fonds National...
      • - (Europe/Luxembourg)
      • Maison du Savoir, 17th floor, Salle Germain Dondelinger; 2, avenue de l'Université, 4365 Belval, Luxembourg
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Open Science Forum

    Save the date for three days of seminars, debates and hands-on sessions on how to make your research more visible, transparent, reproducible and efficient. The Open Science Forum is aimed at all researchers and research support staff within and around Luxembourg, whatever your field of research or...
      • - (Europe/Luxembourg)
      • Belval, Luxembourg
    • STATUS: past

    2nd International Summer School on Knowledge-Driven Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    2nd International Summer School on Knowledge-Driven Innovation and Entrepreneurship   The University of Luxembourg Incubator invites PhD, postdocs and young researchers to its 2nd International Summer School on Knowledge-Driven Innovation and Entrepreneurship, taking place in the beautiful...
      • - (Europe/Luxembourg)
      • Hollenfels Castel, Luxembourg
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past


    Are you a Bachelor, Master or PhD student in Finance, Law, Social Sciences, IT, Economics, Communication, Linguistics, etc and interested to discover job, traineeship and fellowship opportunities in European Institutions ? Are you a professional wishing to work for the EU?  Then join us on 21st...
      • - (Europe/Luxembourg)
      • Campus Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Inequality and...? Child Development

    Children face very different chances of getting ahead in life depending on the circumstances of their birth. Parenting and its role in the diverging destinies of rich and poor children are discussed in this lecture. Inequality begins at home. It develops from the differences in the ways advantaged...
      • - (UTC)
      • Europe Investment Bank 98-100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer,, 2950 Luembourg, Luxembourg
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Corporate Strategy, Conformism, and the Stock Market

    We show that managers can raise firm value by imitating other public firms’ strategies because imitation enhances their ability to obtain information from their own stock price or their peers’ stock prices, which improves the efficiency of their investment decisions. This conformity effect is...
      • - (UTC)
      • Luxembourg School of Finance 4, rue Albert Borschette, 2 nd floor, Modigliani Miller Auditorium, L-1246 Luxembourg City, Luxembourg